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Online certificate Course in Management Profession

  • 15 Steps
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Three Months (12 weeks- 5 hrs. per Week or 60 Hours of Learners Engagement) Course Description: The course is designed to develop the fresh Management diploma or degree holders into a competitive Management professional capable of solving management problems. This course trains learners on various skill sets or competencies that are needed to enhance their thinking in dealing with day to day challenges in the real world. The course trains learners on how to think like a Management professional. Course Layout : Module 1: Self awareness & Management Unit 1: Get to know yourself better Unit 2: Know your society & nation Unit 3: Know your World & its complexity Module 2: Enhance your competency Unit 1: Communication competency & effectiveness Unit 2: Using Science & Mathematical competency Unit 3: Using Informatics competency Module 3: Enhance your Management competency & Effectiveness Unit 1: Management profession Unit 2: Management competency. Unit 3: Management decision making & problem solving. Module 4: Field Work to demonstrate learning outcome. Report submission and presentation. Summative evaluation of the course and certification. This module duration is 3 weeks.

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